Happy New Year! 🎊🎊🎊
2023 is around the corner. It is time to make our New Year’s Revolution. I have insisted on making it for two years, and glad to share my own as a free template. ⬇️
These were my 2021 yearly goals. ⬇️ I did not care much about health or cooking skills then. The last four poor little items have never been edited after they were created. 🥲
So at the beginning of 2022, I adjusted my goals and achieved them much further. 😄
Every time making the plan is an excellent chance to think about what kind of person I want to be in the long term and what matters to me.
- Where is my career going?
- How are my relationship with my family and loved ones?
- What makes me feel happy and relaxed?
- What is the condition of my physical and mental health?
- Am I kind to others instead of being selfish or snippy?
After asking yourself these questions, you will know your goals in the new year.
This year, I had no hesitation in making my third yearly plan by knowing more clearly what kind of person I wanted to become.
Losing weight is not my goal anymore. It took me some time to realize that work out to feel good, not be thinner. But I will continue the 14-10 intermittent fasting, which is good for my health.
I have to admit that I am not a huge fan of the film: almost half of the movies I watched in these two years(2021 & 2022) were time-killers on the plane. Compared to high-paced storytelling, I prefer reading books to enjoy that detail and environment.
Flag the goals to see whether or how much I will complete at the end of 2023. Looking forward to a new version of Olivia!